TTC eBus Charging Infrastructure

PowerON is leading the largest transit fleet electrification program in North America. Architecting, building and managing the charging infrastructure for more than 2200 full size transit buses to be completed by 2040.

PowerON TTC Ebus Fleet Pantograph Charging

Zero Emissions Transit

PowerON is set to drive TTC's vision for a zero-emission fleet before 2040 by owning and operating North America's largest charging infrastructure project. This ambitious fleet electrification initiative encompasses design, procurement, construction, and maintenance, leading to a transformative shift in public transportation.

Powering the Toronto Transit Commission

Pathway to Decarbonized Public Transit

Since 2021, PowerON has led the development of electrification infrastructure for over 2,200 transit buses across 8 TTC garages. We have also secured an industry-first, 20-year performance-based contract, pioneered a proof of concept for centralized rectification charging, and implemented a strategic 20-year phased construction schedule, complemented by a vendor of record program. Under our agreement with the TTC, PowerON will design, build, co-invest, and operate the charging and related electrical infrastructure to support electrification of the TTC fleet and facilities.

Project Highlights

Our guidance is facilitating the TTC's smooth transition to an electric bus fleet. Through feasibility studies on eight garages and a phased approach, we prioritized change management, eased stakeholders into the new technology, and minimized operational disruption during construction.

Our plan expedited the introduction of eBuses to the TTC fleet without the need for major, costly utility upgrades. Centralized charging reduced the footprint by 50%, through the optimization of garage infrastructure, enabling the maximization of bus charging capacities in space-limited facilities. Furthermore, effective energy management considerably lowered the electrification infrastructure costs per eBus, resulting in substantial capital savings.

Architect & Plan
Accelerate the transition without costly utility upgrades

Build & Create
Centralized charging for space maximization

Manage & Optimize
Energy management to reduce infrastructure cost

Why Choose PowerON

Continuity & Confidence

As an OPG company, with a century-long legacy, we're committed to standing beside our customers in the long run, supporting every step of the multi-year electrification transformation journey. Powering a Greener Decarbonized Fleet Future.


Let’s get your electric fleet ready to go.